Friday, October 17, 2014

Radical Change

During Class this morning, someone said those words that are taboo...."New Years resolution".  My thoughts are if you arent doing it now and you decide to make a radical change, it will work until it gets tough! As a trainer I try to coach my clients to remain consistent, treat your fitness like a video game.  If you dont like the results reset and start over. However do it tomorrow don't wait until next Monday, or next month do it now or lose it.  Consistency keeps you moving forward allows you to get into a pattern that is harder to alter and most importantly allows you to make progress.  Progress may be slow but think of the things you couldnt do last year that you can do now.  How did you get there?  Was it on a whim? Was it a Dare? or was it you focus and drive to accomplish something.  Never discredit the progress you have made, but don't stay in that progress either, KEEP MOVING!
Radical Changes:
Push, Pull, and or Move your bodyweight faster everyday!  Sweat everyday because you are chasing not because you are being chased.  Work HARD! Play HARD! Share the love with others.  If you are having fun, bring your friends to the Party
Share your Plan- say it out loud, scream from the mountain top or whisper it in someones ear.  When you say it, the GOAL becomes real

Write it Down and do more the next time.  Track your bests and beat your bests, it only happens when you work at it.

I will be better Today than I was Yesterday!

Can you? (choose 1 or more?)
Bench Press your Bodyweight, Deadlift 1.5X your Bodyweight, Squat 2X your bodyweight? Will you try?
Run at least 2 miles per day for one week.  How fast can you do this each time?
1000 Kettlebell swings in a week- How is your form?
Do a Pushup from your toes- How long to do 100? what about a hanstand or a handstand push up?
Can you Play for an hour each day
Can you eat less sugar, eat more greens?
What is your Radical change or addition? Let me know, I want in!

Sweat On!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rain Drain

As the weather begins to change do you get the feeling you are changing as well? Truth is you probably are. As a trainer I wish more people would remain as active in the fall and winter as they are during the spring and summer, but.....Oh Well!  I have decided this fall and winter, on days that it rains I am going to push more weight and do high intensity shorter duration cardio bouts on the tower or the spinning bike. When it's nice, short intense workouts, then outside to MOVE! Refuse to sit around!  

I ran into a person I have competed against for many years but never really chatted with or got a chance to know. We talked for about twenty minutes where he shared with me something that motivated me to restart this blog. He stayed we competed against one another for the last time because he was diagnosed with MS and it was too fatiguing to continue playing baseball. As I write this I think how talented he is, how strong he is to make a tough decision and give up something he loves so much. On the elevator up to my floor I decided I want to be as strong, physically be better, mentally be stronger and smarter and professionally be more resourceful and better for my clients. 

Here is what I want this blog to be a daily kick in the pants. A motivator to do something a bit different than your normal, and give you a taste of my world. 
Help me be better I will do the same for you. Let me know what you are thinking. lets MOVE!!!!